Omak Senior Center

Omak Senior Center Membership

Membership is open to the community at large. Adults 50 years of age and older are eligible. Annual membership dues are $5.00 and include a complimentary annual birthday lunch at the Omak Senior Center (OSC). Membership is required to vote or participate in OSC activities (with the exception of TOPS). Membership is renewed annually during the month of October, however, applications are accepted throughout the year.

Payments for Membership:

We hold an annual drive in October and begin taking renewal payments for the next year at that same time. If you are a new member you may join in October and receive 3 complementary months of membership for the same payment. Volunteers are available to assist with membership registration or renewal between 11:30 am and 12:30 pm on a Tuesday or Friday during the time the hot meals are served. The Thrift Store cashier can take payment for/issue cards if there is no opportunity for you to join during meal hours.

Membership meetings:

Check the meeting calendar for more information.

Board of Directors:

Interested in serving on our Board of Directors? We begin the process of seeking new board members in October and they are installed the following January. Board of Director meetings are held on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 10:30 a.m. in the dining room and usually last about half an hour.

We look forward to getting to know you!